Seated Forward Extensions – ‘Resting’ the Forehead (Intermediate Level)

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The quietening effect of forward extensions is due in part, to the restful condition of the forehead/ frontal brain. This session starts with preparation of the limbs, and also some time experimenting with what it means to ‘rest’ the forehead.

This session can be done as a stand-along session, we recommend doing it after the session. Urdhva Hasta Dandasana Part 1: Legs and Spine Connections

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 70mins

Props needed: a yoga strap, a couple of firm folded up blankets, access to a wall, other things like bolster/ chair depending on the condition of the practitioner.

Course Content

Seated Forward Extensions – ‘Resting’ the Forehead (Intermediate Level)

  • Seated Forward Extensions – ‘Resting’ the Forehead (Intermediate Level)

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