A Short and Simple Practice for Respiratory Health (FREE Resource)

Many of the positions shown in the Respiratory Health and Restful practice – FREE Recordings are strung together in this longer session. Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for this. FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.

Conditioning Hips for Healthy Ankles

The first segment of this session works on the hips. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props needed: a couple of blocks, a sturdy chair, access to a wall This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the following Short Courses: Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, […]

Stable Hips and Mobile Ankles: Garudasana and More

In this session we prepare the ankles, and the hips for garudasana legs: compacting the hips in standing asanas, and lubricating the ankle through simple movements.  In the Short Course, the complexity of binding is being introduced after the session on increasing ankle mobility, and weight-bearing actions on the ankles. Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate Duration: […]

Feet, Toes, Ankles: Stability and Mobility

The previous session in this Short focussed on mobility aspect of the lower extremities, in this session, we add the strengthening/ load bearing aspect as well.  Most of the positions involve moving the ankles and feet, but also bearing the weight of the body. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 60mins Props required: belt, blocks, access […]

Feet, Toes, Ankles: Simple Conditioning Drills and Asanas for All Levels

The session is in two segments. in the first segment, there are simple drills for the feet, ankles and toes that can be attempted by anyone – these are not classical asana positions. In the second segment, we attempt a few standing asanas with additional supports and additional focus on the feet, to explore the […]

Increasing Mobility and Stability Challenge for the Ankles – Part1

This session is a progression from the previous session. It works on the ankle joint through a series of standing asanas. Blocks are used to challenge the balance and the stability at the ankles, and also to increase the range of movements. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props needed: a couple of blocks, a […]

Connecting Hips to Heels

A gently practiced over-view session that has a mix of standing, back arches, twisting and forward extensions.  At the end of the session, expect to feel a better ‘connectivity’ throughout the body – from the shoulders, through the back and the hips, to the heels of the feet Level: Gentle Duration: 50min Props needed: a […]

Feet, Toes, Ankles: Simple Conditioning Drills (FREE Resource)

Our feet are capable of an amazing range of movements and positions – something that we tend to forget, and therefore lose. This actions in this session re-introduce some of these movements. There are no complex technical instructions for this session. Enjoy the exploration. Those with ankle injuries are advised caution. Level: All levels Duration: […]

New Movements and Connections for Feet, Ankles and Hips

In this session we explore some new movements and connections of the feet/ankle/ hips. The effects of these actions are then experienced in familiar asanas. These movements might be new to you – be a little careful if you have knee and ankle injuries. Level: Intermediate Duration: 70min This session may be done as a […]

‘Binding’ Arms and Legs – and the Effect on the Breath

This session was recorded as the first part of a hybrid session, but it can also be done as a short-stand alone session.  The ‘binding’ positions of asanas offer a unique opportunity to study the ‘breathing’ potential even in compressed positions. The audio segment of this session can be found on the following link: The Breath […]