Positioning the Neck for Back Arches in Beginner Asanas

Starting with mobility and strengthening eactions in the upper back/ neck/ shoulder area, this session explores how the cervical area and the skull can be held in back arches to avoid straining the neck. We work up to salabhasana and ustrasana in this session. Level: Experienced Beginners Duration: 60 min. Props needed: one yoga belt, […]

Twisting Actions Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part1: Limbering through Standing Asanas, followed by Basic Twists in Standing and Seated Positions

Beginning with standing asanas, this session prepares the body by introducing the basic concepts of twists in simple seated and standing positions. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 120min. Props needed: chair, block, blankets, bolsters, belt, access to wall This session is part of the Twisting Actions Short Course (Weekend Intensive).

Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Inversions, Restful Asanas and Pranayama

Long stays in restful/ quiet asanas, a regular practice of inverted (upside down) asanas, and a gradual introduction to the powerful practices of pranayama, are characteristics of Iyengar Yoga.  Here, we look at how the chair can be used in a variety of ways, especially in combination with other props like blankets, bolsters and belts, […]

Virabhadrasana1: The Twist and the Backarch in the Standing Asana

In this session, we start with twists, rise up into urdhva dhanurasana, dip down into parsvottanasana, and then lift back up into virabhadrasana I. Level – Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration – 60min This recording is part of the following Short Courses: Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana I (Short Course, Level – Experienced Beginner)and, Deep Dive – […]

Virabhadrasana I – Firmness and Confidence in the Legs to Proceed Further

Meant for a beginner level student who has attempted this virabhadrasana I  a few times, and is ready to look at the moving parts of this layered position. In this session, we address the lower body: the hips, the legs, the alignment of the stance, the balance Level – Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration – 40min […]

The Wings of Virabhadrasana I: Role of the Arms

In this session, we start with activating the legs in supine positions, work with the arms in isolation, in dynamic actions.  The two are then integrated into into virabhadrasana I Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration:  60min Props needed: none Part of the following Short Courses: Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana I (Short Course, Level – Experienced […]

Progressions from Virabhadrasana I to Twists and Abdominals

Progressions from virabhadrasana I to abdominal actions and standing twists. Level – Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration – 60min Props needed: access to a wall, blocks (optional) Part of the Short Course Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana I (Short Course, Level – Experienced Beginner)

Relief from Abdominal Heaviness after Feasting (Level Experienced Beginner/ Gentle)

A sequence to relieve abdominal heaviness/sluggishness, this is a mix of active and passive positions. All positions are supine and supported level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle Duration: 45 min This recording is part of the following Short Courses: Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than ‘Core’ (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner) and, Short Course #1 for Abdomen […]

Abdominal Focus in Twistings

This session focusses on integrating abdominal participation in twists. Duration: 60min Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Props needed: yoga strap, a stack of firm blankets for sitting, access to a wall This recording is part of the following Short Courses: Short Course #1 for Abdomen: More than ‘Core’ (Level – Intermediate) and, the Short Course Abdomen […]