The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; level: Gentle)

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A detailed exploration of the five classical seated forward extensions –  janu sirsasana, triangamukha ekapada paschimottanasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasna, and marichyasana I, and paschimottanasana.  These are not the most complex of the forward extensions, but taken together, they are fabulous in exploring different hip, leg, ankle, spine movements, with their differing effects on he abdominal organs.  Along the way, we also explore other forward extensions, and twisting actions.

Part 1: Forward Extensions: Preparing the Arms

Part 2: Forward Extensions: The Essential Intermediate Stages

Part 3: Seated Forward Extensions: Supported Positions for a Quiet Practice


Course Content

Part 1: Forward Extensions: Preparing the Arms
The arms and legs are both the beneficiary of forward extension actions, and also essential participants in executing the forwards extensions. This session focusses on preparing the arms for forward extensions and progresses towards forward extensions through utkatasana and malasana. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 70 min. Props needed: belt, chair, blankets. This recording is part of the following Short Courses: The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Intermediate) The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner) The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; level: Gentle)

  • Forward Extensions: Preparing the Arms

Part 2: Forward Extensions: The Essential Intermediate Stages
Calling these ‘concave back’ positions an ‘intermediate’ of forward extensions is an inadequate description. These positions, with their characteristic, arched but fully extended back bodies, arms and legs, look quite different from the final positions of the forward extensions. They prepare us for the final forward extensions, and are beneficial in themselves, reinforcing the connection of the arms and the legs through the back body. Also, these positions are  not just safe, but recommended in many cases where the full forward extensions might be counter-indicated e.g. for those with certain back injuries or weaknesses. Level: Intermediate, Experienced Beginner, Gentle Duration: 75 mins. Props needed: 2 blocks, access to a wall,1 belt, blankets and a chair This recording is part of the following Short Courses: The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Intermediate) The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner) The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; level: Gentle)

Part 3: Seated Forward Extensions: Supported Positions for a Quiet Practice
In this final session of the Short Course on seated forward extensions, we practice these asanas with support.  Such a practice is emotionally quietening, cooling (and therefore recommended for hot days), can relieve headaches, and is part of the practice for high blood pressure, and womens' menstrual practice.  The use of supports makes especially makes these effects available to those who find it difficult to approach seated forward extension due to stiffness in back and hamstrings. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 75 mins. Props needed: a few firm blankets that can be folded and stacked to adjust the height of the seat, yoga strap, a sturdy chair, access to a wall This session is part of following Short Courses: The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Intermediate) The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner) The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; level: Gentle)

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