Invigorating Standing Asanas for the First Week of the Month

This is a session of strong standing asanas practice.  It covers most of the standing asanas, and ends in inversions and seated twists. The strong holds, no use of props, and the continuous progression from one asana to the next, makes it an intermediate level session. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75min Props required: minimal props are […]


As the seat of the largest muscles and bones in the body, the thighs built for strong actions. However, quiet often, due to our limited range of actions, and due to aging, the thighs start losing their firmness. We explore the interesting concepts of ‘Active’ and ‘Passive’ muscular actions in this session.  Leading up to […]

Preparing for Seated Forward Extensions Like Paschimottanasana and Janu Sirsasana

This is a forward extension session that works on the back surface of the body. Although we have not included the classical ‘seated forward extensions in this session due to lack of time, we recommend testing out the efficacy of this preparation , by trying out a couple of seated forward extensions like paschimottanasana and […]

Spinal Relief for Deskworkers

In this session,  the back is activated and energised through hip and shoulder movements, in supine, standing and seated asanas. A good session to limber and loosen up the back body after a day sitting at a desk. Also suitable to restart practice after a break. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 45min.

Forward Extensions Overview – from Standing to Seated

In this session we start with mobilising the arms and legs and integrating the action of the limbs going towards restful seated forward extensions. Duration: 60min Level: Experienced Beginners Props required: yoga strap, a sturdy chair, access to a wall

Resting the Head: Restful Practice Based on Supported Forward Extensions (FREE Resource)

A short restorative practice that leverages the quietening effect of forward extensions.  Not specifically for respiratory health, this is a general restful practice session suitable for beginners, as well as for those with physical limitations, those recovering from an illness, and the aged. Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for […]

Gentle, Accessible, Supported: Forward Extensions

This is a gentle practice of forward extensions that includes enough options for supports to be accessible for most people.  The session starts with focussed preparation to get the upper and sides of the back.  The asanas in this session are done standing, which makes it easier to execute than the seated forward bends. Level: […]