The Practice for Digestive Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Part 1 – Practice for Overall Health of the Gut Part 2 – A Quiet Practice to Pacify Acidic Stomach Part 3 – Active Practice to Prevent Constipation Part 4 – Practice of Inversions to Deal with Constipation
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Inversions, Restful Asanas and Pranayama

Long stays in restful/ quiet asanas, a regular practice of inverted (upside down) asanas, and a gradual introduction to the powerful practices of pranayama, are characteristics of Iyengar Yoga. Here, we look at how the chair can be used in a variety of ways, especially in combination with other props like blankets, bolsters and belts, […]
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Back Arches

Regular practice of back arches is one of the characteristics of Iyengar Yoga. Here, we look at the basic and intermediate level positions only. While some of these positions require a backless yoga chair, some can be done with any sturdy chair. Level: Experienced beginners, Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. Props needed: belt, bolster, blanket, chair, […]
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Forward Extensions and Twists

Forward extensions and twisting actions can feel inaccessible and cause back discomfort for those who are stiff. In both cases, using the chair provides better access to these asanas. Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle Duration: 70 mins. Props needed: Chair, bolster, blanket, blocks, access to a wall
A Quiet Practice to Pacify Acidic Stomach

Acid reflux, and the associated symptoms of heartburn, occur as a result of the acidic digestive secretions in the stomach making their way into our food pipe (oesophagus). This session looks at the principles of adapting our Asana practice to deal with acid-reflux. This recording is part of the Short Course The Practice for Digestive […]
Active Practice to Discourage Constipation

This recording is part of the Short Course The Practice for Digestive Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Practice of Inversions to Deal with Constipation

This recording is part of the Short Course The Practice for Digestive Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: the ‘Sides’ of the Body

Many important organs – the lungs, digestive organs – exist as much on the sides of the body, as they do towards the ‘middle’, or the ‘front’ or the ‘back’; The chair can be useful in helping us to identify and experience these exciting category of ‘lateral asanas. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. […]