About Course
These sessions are meant to give an understanding of healthy movements and actions for a strong and flexible back.
These sessions are not meant for absolute beginners. They assume familiarity with the basic asanas, and go into details of variations and adaptations with particular focus on the back body.
The first two sessions are meant for those who are recovering from an acute back episode – These are the only two sessions suitable for those who are actually ‘in pain’:
The rest of the sessions are fairly active. They are meant for people who might have sensitive or ‘weak’ back, but are not in an acutely painful condition.
Part 1: Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with detailed Instructions)
Part 2: Practice Suitable for Back Pain (without detailed Instructions)
Part 3: Back Health – Introduction: a FREE Resource
Part 4: Accessing the Two sides of the Spine through the Arms and Legs
Part 5: Anchoring to Extend the Back
Part 6: Parallel Movement the Front and the Back of the Body
Course Content
Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with Detailed Instructions)
Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with Detailed Instructions)