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Course Level: All Levels

Asana Understanding for a Healthy Back (Short Course, All levels)

1,895.00 for 1 month

These sessions are meant to give an understanding of healthy movements and actions for a strong and flexible back.
These sessions are not meant for absolute beginners. They assume familiarity with the basic asanas, and go into details of variations and adaptations with particular focus on the back body.
The first two sessions are meant for those who are recovering from an acute back episode – These are the only two sessions suitable for those who are actually ‘in pain’:
The rest of the sessions are fairly active. They are meant for people who might have sensitive or ‘weak’ back, but are not in an acutely painful condition.

Part 1: Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with detailed Instructions)

Part 2: Practice Suitable for Back Pain (without detailed Instructions)

Part 3: Back Health – Introduction: a FREE Resource

Part 4: Accessing the Two sides of the Spine through the Arms and Legs

Part 5: Anchoring to Extend the Back

Part 6: Parallel Movement the Front and the Back of the Body

Tag words: adho mukha svanasana ardha chandrasana ardha uttanasana back back care back health back pain parsvottanasana pavanmuktasana props supported supta padangusthasana I therapy trikonasana utkatasana utthita hasta padangusthasana virabhadrasana I virabhadrasana II virabhadrasana III

Included in this course

These sessions are meant to give an understanding of healthy movements and actions for a strong and flexible back.
These sessions are not meant for absolute beginners. They assume familiarity with the basic asanas, and go into details of variations and adaptations with particular focus on the back body.
The first two sessions are meant for those who are recovering from an acute back episode – These are the only two sessions suitable for those who are actually ‘in pain’:
– The first session is slightly longer where each position is preceded by a demonstration.
– The second session is an edited version of the first session without the demonstrations. This is slightly shorter and meant to be done as a follow-along session.

The rest of the sessions are fairly active. They are meant for people who might have sensitive or ‘weak’ back, but are not in an acutely painful condition.
These sessions are interspersed with short explanations that give some understanding of the structure and the mechanics of the spine. There are many wonderful resources online for those who want to go into the details. Here’s a very short one to give an idea of what intervertebral discs are (copyrighted product – all credit to the creators):

Disclaimer: These sessions are not meant to diagnose, or to cure.
Back pain may be due to various reasons – from strained muscles, nerve impingement, disc herniation. They are often aggravated by stressful situations.  Please get a diagnosis and consult your health care provider where appropriate.