Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)

We start the first 2 sessions with a more generic segment that sensitises/ activates/ warms-up the focus area – the thoracic area comprising the front, back and the sides.  The first 2 sessions also have detailed instructions of the positions, and the prop arrangement.  The third session has minimal instructions and has long-ish holds.  We […]

Gentle Abdominal Actions Through Forward Extensions

The intelligent use of abdomen in forwards extensions.  the use of supports makes these actions suitable for most people. Level: Gentle, Intermediate, Experienced Beginner Duration: 60mins Tagwords: 60mins, forward extensions, forward bends, abdominal, core, abdomen, womens practice, props, supports,  parsvottanasana, uttanasana, prasarita padottanasana.

Gently Done Lower Back Actions in Forward Extensions

The intelligent use of abdomen in forwards extensions. The use of supports makes these actions suitable for most people. Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginner Duration: 60mins Props required: blocks, belt, chair and access to a wall

Releasing Hip Stiffness, Groin Tightness/ Preparing for Padmasana

This session addresses stiffening of hips and tightness of the groins due to age-related degenerative changes, due to sitting on chairs for long hours, due to participation in certain sporting activities that do not explore the entire range of movement at the hip joint, or just due to inattention to these areas. This is also […]

Hip Mobility & Soft Groins in Standing Asanas

This session builds up on the previous (recommended) session to approach standing from a place of  ‘ease’ due to the softness at the groins, rather than pushing in forcefully.  We recommend doing both sessions to have a different, more peaceful experience of standing asanas This session can be done as a stand-alone session. The session […]

A Short and Simple Practice for Respiratory Health (FREE Resource)

Many of the positions shown in the Respiratory Health and Restful practice – FREE Recordings are strung together in this longer session. Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for this. FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.

Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with Detailed Instructions)

This is an asana session for recovering from a strained back. Each of the positions shown in this session should bring relief to the back when one settles down in the positions. If you liked this session and want to repeat it, but with a quieter experience without the detailed instructions, consider the edited version […]